reede, 11. märts 2022

Veel tomatiseemneid - kas küll võib küllale liiga teha...?!

Nagu ikka, saan ma hirmsa hoo sisse kui hakkan netist põnevaid seemneid otsima. Rahaliselt ei tasu tomatite kasvatamine minu puhul ju küll kuidagi ära, sest sel aastal ei sattunud ma kuigi mõistlike ja soodsate pakkumiste otsa. Mitu head Poolamaa ettevõtjat näiteks, kellelt tellisin või uudistasin seemnepakkumisi eelmistel aastatel, on mingi seadusandluse jupikese pärast (ilmselt) pidanud müügi lõpetama. Mõnest põnevana tunduvast ameerika netipoest oleks heameelega tellinud kuid ostukorvi kinnitama asudes selgus, et postikulud on tohutud...

Nüüd siiski tellisin ühest ameerika netipoest, mille seemnehinnad mulle tegelikult alguses väga ei meeldinud. Aga otsustasin, et olgu siis peale. Tuleb iseend kuidagi mobiliseerida ja oma seemnekogu üle vaadata ning tekitada mingi "arhiiv" vms, uurida kuidas seemeid ka sügavkülmas säilitada saab jne. Siis tasub see seemnetesse investeering ehk ühel päeval ära ka, sest tegelikult on mitmeid tomateid eelmistest aastatest, mida ikka kasvatan ja rahule jään. Kuna suur osa on vanad tuntud heirloom sordid, või ka uuemad mitte-hübriidid, siis võin neid kasvõi elu lõpuni külvata, kui ainult mäletan sügiseti valmis viljaldelt mõned seemned varuda. Ainult et lisaks kõigele muule oleks ka uut kasvuhoonet vaja...

Igatahes tellisin nüüd siiski selliselt lehelt nagu ning loodan südamest, et need põnevad sordid ka kunagi kohale jõuavad. Seemnetest, mida selleks aastaks külvata, mul kindlasti puudust pole - küllap jätangi mitmed sordid järgmise aasta jaoks. Ma tõesti ei tea, mis valemiga, aga mul õnnestus vist eelmisel aastal pea sadakond taime oma kasvuhoonesse sokutada. Kahtlemata mõnele taimele sobis selline dzhungel enam-vähem ning mõnele ei sobinud. Saaki ma igatahes siiski sain, ehkki korralikud tomatikasvatajad oleks minu "metsa" peale arvatavasti juukseid katkunud. Aga ma ei teagi - seekord hoidis kasvuhoone niiskust kuidagi paremini ning ma ei pidanud nii hullult kastma. Peamised kahjustused olid just alguses kui mõnede taimede jaoks päike liiga tugev oli. Kuid hoolimata sellest, et olime ka aeg-ajalt ära ning ei saanud väga stabiilselt kasta, ei kannatanud ükski taim silmnähtavalt veepuuduse all nagu mõnel varajasemal aastal. Seetõttu ma polegi nii varmalt külgharusid kärpinud, et vahel on just taime põhiharu kuivaga kannatada saanud ning siis on külgmised võrsed teda asendanud. Püüan istutades teha nii, et igale taimele jääks ka korralik kastmisnõgu, siis ei lähe kastmisveest suurt midagi kaotsi.

Igal juhul pean nüüd mingil hetkel otsuse tegema, millised seemned sel aastal külvata. Aga viimane suur ja oi-kui-kallis tellimus on allpool. Info ning fotod on kõik -lehelt

Photo by, Ananas Noire

Ananas Noire
A.K.A. Black Pineapple tomato. The name of this Belgian tomato, introduced by Pascal Moreau in 2005, is French for black pineapple. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce a large, sprawling, regular leaf plant that yields heavy crop of 1 to 1 1/2 lb., round, dark-purple, fruit with green shoulders. Interior color is a tie-dye like mix of pink, red, green yellow colors.  Loaded with an abundance of rich and delicious, full-bodied, sweet & smoky flavors with a good amount of acidity. A great new addition to the list of splendid black tomatoes. Try this tomato in a salad with other colors. Makes a delicious rich tomato sauce.

Black Ethiopia: Heirloom tomato, originally from the Ukraine region. Seeds produce vigorous indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield copious amounts of red-mahogany-bronze, 5-0z, plum-shaped fruit. Exceptional, rich, fruity, tangy taste. Rare tomato seeds. 

Photo by, Black Plum
Black PlumOrigin from Russian seedswoman Marina Danilenko. Sprawling indeterminate plant produces an abundant long and steady crop of 2", elongated, oval, plum-shaped fruits that are colored a beautiful deep-mahogany with dusky-green shoulders and garnet red flesh. Fruit resembles a small paste tomato but with thinner walls. Unique, sweet, tangy, rich, complex flavors. Great for snacking off the vine, sliced and scattered into a salad (perhaps with red and yellow cherry tomatoes), or making a rich, dark-colored pasta sauce. Presented in a bowl they appear like exotic jewels. YUM!

Black Sea ManA Russian Heirloom tomato. Tomatofest certified organic tomato seeds produce small determinant, potato-leaf plants that yield an abundant set of 12-16 ounce beautiful tomatoes that are rich mahogany colored with olive green shoulders when mature. Inside of tomato is deep, reddish green and loaded  with excellent, full-bodied, complex, intense, creamy tomato flavors. This is an outstanding tomato for sandwiches and salads. Black Sea Man heirloom tomato does well growing in mid-sized containers. A great early black tomato.

Brad's Black HeartOriginated from Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms in California who found it in a patch of Black Krim and stabilized the seed. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, droopy regular-leaf plants that yield copious amounts of 12 oz., pink-black, heart-shaped tomatoes (mostly flattened hearts...some pointy, some blunt) with exceptionally rich sweet complex flavors, typical of the best of the black tomatoes. A good producer in cooler growing regions as well as warmer regions. A Gary Ibsen Favorite. If you like the big, robust flavors of the black tomatoes you will want this one in your garden. Disease resistant.

CarbonOur tomatofest organic black tomato seeds produce big, regular-leaf tomato plants yielding prolific amounts of 10-14 oz., beautiful purple-brown, open-pollinated tomatoes. Color of tomatoes are most often darker than the photo here indicates, making this among of the darkest of the black tomatoes with delicious, rich, complex flavors. This tomato variety won taste test at Cornell Research Farm and Winner of the 2005 "Heirloom Garden Show" best tasting tomato award. Because of it's productivity and flavor, Carbon is becoming popular to grow for commercial produce markets that are seeking more black tomatoes in their tomato mix.

Chocolate Striped IcicleChocolate Striped Icicle created from a distant strain of Tom Wagner's 'Shadow Boxing'. Indeterminate plant produces heavy yields of beautiful, small (2-3"), elongated, plum-shaped (mini-Roma) tomatoes with a strong anthocyanin (blue) expression, attractive striping and a pointed nipple on the end. Fruit has exceptionally good, sweet flavors. An exciting choice for snacking fresh or adding to a salad or making sauce.

Chocolate Stripes
Photo by, Chocolate Stripes
One of the "Top 3" "best tasting" tomatoes in several years of TomatoFest events by attendees and the event's "tasting panel," and voted on by thousands of TomatoFest customers purchasing seeds. Large, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield a plentiful crop of 3-4 inch, mahogany colored with dark, olive green-striping (similar to black zebra).  Fruits have delicious, complex, rich, sweet, earthy tomato flavors. Chocolate Stripe, another desirable 'black tomato,"  is an excellent tomato and a fine choice for your tomato garden. Produces well into the autumn. A great sandwich tomato and salad tomato.

Photo by, Dwarf Lemon Ice

Dwarf Lemon IceIndeterminate, dwarf (tree-type) plants with regular leaf rugose foliage produce heavy yields of 4-6 oz., heart-shaped, pale-yellow fruits with clear skin and yellow flesh. Excellent, delightful, well-balanced, sweet flavors.
History: Developed 2008-2015 by the members of the Dwarf Tomato Project from a cross between Roza Vetrov and Anna Banana Russian made by Patrina Nuske Small (Nosey family). It was selected and named by Linda Black. Stabilization was a collaborative work of Craig LeHoullier, Linda Black, Dan Follett, Amanda Fischer, Sherry Long, and Bill Minkey. This variety is associated with the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI).

Early WonderThe Burgess Seed and Plant Co. introduced this variety in 1950. Extra-early maturing and compact variety that yields an abundant crop of round, dark-pink, great-tasting fruit. Perfect for gardeners in shorter season growing climates. A very good choice for container gardening.

Photo by, 
Midnight Select
Midnight SelectMidnight Select AKA J&L Midnight Select. Midnight Select is a slightly smaller sister to
J&L's Bosque Blue with intense color sometimes flecked with green which turns to gold on the ripe tomato. It is not as dependent on direct sunlight for the color. The flavor is full with a dense and satisfying texture. The plants are indeterminate but only reach about four feet. The fruit is borne in trusses of six and the variety is quite productive. The fruit should be picked when the tops turn to black from purple and just before the flesh begins to soften. The blue coloration is the result of anthocyanin in the skin which is a powerful antioxidant.

Photo by,
Mortgage Lifter Bi-Color

Mortgage Lifter, Bi-Color
A bi-colored version of the old favorite heirloom Mortgage Lifter, Radiator Charlie's. Tall, indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces beautiful, large (1 to 2 lb.) beefsteak tomatoes with golden-yellow with red marbling and lots of rich, delicious, fruity flavors.

Peche JauneVery productive 1-inch, 1-2 oz., round, pale-yellow fruit, looks like a delicate peach covered with fuzz.. An elegant, excellent, mildly sweet flavor. I've never failed to get "ooooh...yes!" from those I've introduced this to. Fruit has short shelf-life...should be eaten within a couple of days.

Pink AccordionA unique show tomato. Our tomatofest organic tomato seeds produce big, sprawling, regular-leaf tomato plants that provide an average yield of beautiful, 1 pound, dark-pink tomatoes that are very fluted or ruffled like an accordion. Tomato lovers consistently rave about this beautiful tomato. A perfect choice for a commercial market tomato because of it's popularity. The tomato is slightly hollow making it a good stuffing tomato. Flavors are mild and sweet. A low-acid tomato with few seeds.

Southern NightRussian heirloom. Name refers to pitch black nights in southern regions of Russia. Indeterminate, potato-leaf plant produces lots of 12-16 oz., purple-brown beefsteak fruits with some green shoulders. Very bold, rich, complex flavors. Good choice for sandwiches, salads or sauce. Good disease resistance.

Photo by, Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain
Created by Lee Goodwin, J&L Gardens. It is a cross of Big Rainbow, Cherokee Purple and Bosque Blue. Seeds sent to Gary Ibsen of TomatoFest. Compact indeterminate, Regular leaf plant produces good crops of 10-14 oz., big-shouldered, orange tomato with deep blue around the stem and faint yellow stripes. Lee Goodwin named this variety because the colors looked like the setting sun through thunder clouds, fruit ripening from gold to red-orange. The flavors are well-balanced and bold. RARE

Uluru Ochre (Dwarf): Indeterminate, compact ('tree-type') plants with rugose, regular leaf foliage produce prolific amounts of 6-12 oz., ruffled, uniquely-colored tomatoes that are "essentially the first 'black/orange' we've seen" with orange flesh with green overtones, and somewhat amber/orange/green in appearance. The flavors of this variety are superb with full, well-balanced, fruity tartness to balance the sweetness. According to famed tomato breeder, Craig LeHoullier, "the flavor can be a bit variable season to season, but at its best, it has an absolutely delicious, smokey flavor."
History: Dwarf Tomato Project. Uluru Ochre originated as a cross between Orange Heirloom and Rosella Purple made by Patrina Nuske Small and named "Rosey." Uluru Ochre was selected and named by Patrina. Introduced in 2015. This variety is associated with the Open source Seed Initiative (OSSI).

Photo by, Uluru Ochre

White Bush
A leafy, semi-determinate, bush plant that yields 2-inch, slightly flattened, round, white fruit with yellow tinge and wonderful fruity sweet flavors.

White Rabbit: Heirloom developed by Joe Bratka. A large sprawling plant with many clusters of creamy white/yellow cherry fruits with excellent flavor. A rare Tomato.

Photo by, Woolly Kate
Woolly KateRare. Woolly Kate is one of the very few blue woolly type varieties. Seeds given to Gary Ibsen of TomatoFest in 2015 by Gary Cass from the Big Island of Hawaii, who has been working with this variety as part of a project working with L. hirsutum flavors tied to natural pest and disease resistance. Gary Cass got his seeds from Tom Wagner. Apparently the woolly types are from a mutation that was found in a field of Rutgers. Introduced commercially by TomatoFest in 2016. Indeterminate, regular leaf plants produces abundant crops of 1"-1 1/2", cocktail-sized, round, fruits with blue/purple shoulders.

The branches and some of the fruit are fuzzy, (like peach fuzz) and some are smooth. Good tart and sweet flavors. Plant grows well in Hawaii and other hot humid areas.

Yellow RuffledIncluded in gardens because of exciting appearance. Popular for its display appearance and as a "stuffer" tomato. Indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces heavy crops of Lemon yellow 8-10 oz.,2 to 3-inch tomatoes that are deeply pleated like an accordion, with a hollow seed cavity perfect for stuffing. Good, mild, fruit flavors. Produces well in hot weather.

SarandipityRegular, rugose leaf, dwarf (tree type) variety that produces prolific yield of round, medium, uniformly sized and shaped tomatoes that ripen to a rich brick-red, chocolate color with vertical green, metallic-looking stripes. The flavor is mild and sweet.
History: Developed by the Dwarf Tomato Project. It originated from a cross made by Ray South between an early Cheeky selection (from Dwarf project work) and Black Zebra and named Streaky. Sarandipity was selected and named by Craig LeHoullier. Craig chose to combine the serendipitous nature of great dwarf project discoveries with his daughter Sara's name, hence Sarandipity.

Photo by, Dwarf Saucy Mary

Dwarf Saucy Mary
egular leaf, dwarf plant, produces loads of 4-6 oz., Roma-shaped, green flesh tomatoes with dark and light green stripes, excellent delightful flavors.
History: Developed by the Dwarf Tomato Project. (Kiwi family)
Sherry Long created the Kiwi family by crossing Dino Eggs with an F2 selection from the Lazy family in 2012. Craig LeHoullier selected and named Dwarf Saucy Mary for his wife Susan's Aunt Mary Kelly.

Amish GoldCross between Amish Paste and Sungold, created by respected tomato breeder, Jeff Dawson. Our TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield HUGE crops of 1 1/2"-2" long, oblong shaped, gorgeous golden tomatoes with sharply-pointed end. Fruit has the gold color and flavor of the Sungold, the meatiness of the Amish Paste and delicious sweet/tart tomato flavors that will have you want this as a favorite tomato in your garden. A rare tomato variety. TomatoFest is one of the only sources for this wonderful tomato seed.

Ahjaa - kui kellelgi on häid mõtteid, kuidas tomatitaimede silte kasvuhoones panna - olen seni torganud jogurtitopsidest lõigatud plastiksildid taime kõrvale maha, aga sealt on neid hiljem teinekord keerukas näha, või uhub kastmisvesi mõne minema... - olen igal juhul ideedest huvitatud :) Ilmselt oleks ehk mõistlik sidumisnööri külge sokutada kuidagi, aga ma pole veel välja mõelnud, kuidas. Tahaks, et oleks võimalikult lihtne seda teha ning pärast ka lihtne silte vaadata või siis neid ümber tõsta... Hmm.. Võib-olla ma kasutaks neid plastikust silte ikkagi, teeks neile augustajaga augud sisse ning siis paneks mingi aiatraadijupiga sidumisnööri külge. Nii saaks neid ka kenasti ümber tõsta jne. Eks sehkendamist oleks muidugi ikka, vaatab seda asja... ;)! 

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