Leidsin veel ühe koha, kust avastada uusi tomati sorte. Ühe tellimuse tegingi ka juba (ehkki poleks vaja, sest seemneid mul jagub - pigem peaksin üritama koostada kataloogi olemasolevatest seemnetest). Tellimus tuli ilusti kohale, täna sain kätte! Ilmselt peaks tavapäraselt arvestama kohalejõudmiseks umbes 3 nädalat, mul läks seekord veigi aega postkontorisse minekuga. Ümbikule olid kena käekirjaga märgitud minu andmed, saatjaks Chiliandtomato.com perenaine Dorota Basiura :)
https://www.worldtomatosociety.com/seeds/ on siis see koht, kust näeb mitmeid-mitmeid huvitavaid seemnepoode üle maakera. Ja see koht, kust ma seekord tomatiseemneid tellisin, on: https://chiliandtomato.com/, mis paikneb Poolas. Nende netipoes on head hinnad ning huvitav valik, mistõttu mul läks muidugi jälle tellides pea segi, nagu ikka ;) Kolm pakendit saadeti veel kingiks ka:
Polaris - suur punane, lihatomati tüüpi: Created by Karen Olivier of Ladysmith, Canada, from Ludmilla pink heart x captain lucky cross. Very beautiful, ribbed, medium to large (about 8-10 oz or more), dark purple beefsteaks with a green shoulders and red interior. Plants are large, strong, healthy, indeterminate and potato leaf. Delicious, meaty, juicy and firm purple/red flesh with green gel. Excellent, sweet and rich tomato flavour. Midseason.
D. B. Cooper - keskmine kuni suur pruunikas lihatomati tüüpi, kartulilehega - D. B. Cooper is a variety that was selected and stabilized by Millard Murdock of East Flat Rock, North Caroline, USA from an accidental bee cross between Marianna's Peace and an unknown black tomato. It is named after the famous plane hijacker from back in 1971 (not his real name, but the name he used to board his plane). Indeterminate, potato leaf plants, that produces medium to large (about 8-20oz) purple-black coloured, round and oblate beefsteak-type tomatoes. Early for a beefsteak, first ripe fruit can be harvested about 70 days after transplant.
Mikado Rozovyy - suur roosa, lihatomati tüüpi, hilisem sort: Mikado Rozovyy’ is a Russian commercial variety. According to ‘Tatiana’s TOMATObase’ this variety ‘may be related to the famous Mikado tomato, as Mikado was available in Czech seed bank in the 40s (it was used as a parent when Jaroslav Homola bred his famous Stupice tomatoes), and from there Mikado seeds likely came to the former USSR. But so far we were not able to obtain a definitive proof of this theory’.*
Large (9-18oz./250-500g), pink beefsteak type fruits are very juicy and have excellent smooth balanced flavor. Indeterminate, potato leaf plants have a very good disease resistance and are very prolific. Late, about 85 days to maturity.
Afternoon Delight - suur, oranzhikas-punakas, lillade põskedega: Middle sized to big bi-color (red and yellow) beefsteak type fruits with nice, purple splash of anthocyanin splashed shoulders. An accidental cross between Big Rainbow and an unknown anthocyanin line find and developed by Wild Boar Farms. Very beautiful, and also very tasty fruits. Sweet, juicy, firm and somewhat fruity flesh. +/- 80 days.
www.chiliandtomato.com -lehelt
Black Strawberry - väikesed värvilised ilusad tomatid: Very beautiful tomato created by ‘J&L Garden’ from a cross between ‘Bosque Blue’ and ‘Strawberry Tiger’. Indeterminate, regular leaf plants produce very beautiful, round, striped saladette with antho splash on the shoulders. Red and juicy flesh with good tomato flavor. Midseason, about 75 days to maturity.
Blue Gold - ilusad väikesed kollase ja lillaga tomatid: Beautiful, little, cherry tomato bred by Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms, Napa, California. Unmatured fruit are amethyst purple and they ripen to beautiful, golden/yellow. Very good yield of sweet, juicy fruit on indeterminate, regular leaf plants. Excellent, rich and fruity flavor. +/- 75 days.
Blue Pitts - väikesed, lausa kuni 5-värvilised tomatid: Variety created by Tom Wagner, Everett, Washington, USA and released through New World Seeds & Tubers in 2012. Round, red-orange cherry tomatoes with a strong anthocyanin blush, wonderfully dyeing during ripening – on the plant simultaneously there are fruits in five different colors. Indeterminate plants with regular leaf, heavy producer until first frost, giving a high yield of sweet, crunchy and juicy fruit with a perfect tomato flavor. 75-80 days.
chiliandtomato.com -lehelt "Blue Pitts" tomatid |
Bolshaya Belaya Zebra - ilusa suure kollase-valge viljaga tomat, kompaktne taim: Very compact plants, about 1,2-1,5m tall, but very prolific; regular leaf foliage. Yellow and white striped fruit, flattened, with pale yellow, creamy flesh, about 250g. Beautiful and very tasty, with a fruity aroma, Similar to Big Yellow Zebra. 75-80 days.
Dwarf Blazing Beauty - madalam, kartulilehega oranzh tomat: Beautiful dwarf-type variety developed in 2006-2013 by the members of the ‘Dwarf Tomato Project’ from a cross between ‘Golden Dwarf Champion’ and ‘Elbe’. Selection and stabilization work on this variety was collaborative of Patrina Nuske Small, Craig LeHoullier, John Schmuch, Amanda Fischer, Bill Yoder, Dee Sackett, Doug Frank, and Susan Oliverson. Named by Craig LeHoullier and first offered to the public by ‘Heritage Seed Market’ and ‘Tatianas TOMATObase’ in 2014. It was the first orange dwarf tomato released from the ‘Dwarf Tomato Project’. Very strong, vigorous rugose potato leaf and indeterminate plants produce medium to large (about 120-300g), oblate and a deep orange fruit. Delicious, sweet flesh with a nice acidic note. Perfect for contener growing. Midseason, about 75-80 days from transplant.
Dwarf Emerald Giant - madal kartulilehega tugev taim, kesksuurte kuni suurte viljadega, valminult võib olla ka kergelt roosaka põhjaga: One of my favourite GWR dwarfs. Developed in the 2006-2011 by the members of the Dwarf Tomato Project from a cross between Golden Dwarf Champion and Green Giant, made in 2006 by Patrina Nuske Small in Australia. An indeterminate, rugose potato leaf and very strong, nice looking plant, that produces until the first frosts. Beautiful, oblate, medium to large (about 150-300g) fruit with clear epidermis. Meaty and juicy green flesh is very tasty, sweet and good balanced. Fully ripened fruit sometimes gets a pale pink blush at the blossom end. The flavor is well balanced and sweet. +/- 75 days.
Flanders Contrast - pirnikujuline, roheline kuid lillakate põskedega tomat: Another excellent creation from Tom Wagner, Everett, Washington, USA. Very beautiful and unique in shape and color fruit, green, pear-shaped with antho splash. Weight about 80-120g. Juicy, sweet and sour, fresh and aromatic, very good ballanced. Perfect for fresh consumption and very decorative. Indeterminate, healthy and very productive plants with regular leaf foliage. +/-75 days.
www.chiliandtomato.com -lehelt tomat "Flanders Contrast" |
Green Pear - väikesed, kollase-rohelise värviga pirnikujulised, dekoratiivsed viljad: A variety bred by one of the Terroir Seeds growers. Indeterminate plants, very strong, tall, with large, regular leaf. Give a high yield of small pear-shaped cherry type fruit. Very tasty, sweet, slightly sour and juicy. Perfect for colorful salads and as a snack. The first ripe fruit can be harvested about 75 days after transplanting.
Lucid Gem - indigovärvi ilusad, hästi säilivad tomatid: Another, new and very successful variety with an increased content of anthocyanins. Created by the American breeder, Brad Gates and introduced by Wild Boar Farm, Napa Valley, California, USA. The variety comes from the same breeding line as Blue Beauty introduced earlier by Brad Gates. The fruit ripening in the full sun from the beginning has a strong dark indygo color on the sun exposed part. The bottom of the fruit ripens first from green to yellow, then to orange – the darker the more mature the fruit is. Orange flesh, with beautiful, red-raspberry marbling. Indeterminate, regular leaf plants are very prolific and healthy and have a very high heat tolerance. Medium-sized fruits reach a weight of about 150-300g or sometimes more. Fleshy beefsteaks with delicious, sweet taste, with strong fruity and citrus notes. Delicious, in our opinion one of the the tastiest currently available blue varieties. In 2017 Lucid Gem was distinguished as the sweetest tomato at the National Heirloom Expo. Like most indigo types, it has an above average firmness of the flesh, which means that the fruit can be stored for a very long time. When harvested as mature even after 20-30 days of storage, they do not lose their taste. +/-80 days.
www.chiliandtomato.com -lehelt tomat "Lucid Gem" |
Sinyaya Grusha - huvitava kujuga, suur sinine tomat: Bred by Ruslan Doohov, from Mushirin Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine. Indeterminate, regular leaf, very vigorous, strong and prolific plants. Beautiful, pear-shaped fruits are deep red when fully ripened with a strong blue anthocyanin colored skin on the sun exposed part of fruit. Very good disease resistant. Sweet, juicy, rich, excellent tomato flavor. 75-80 days.
Stripes of Yore - kollane, lillade triipudega väiksem tomat: Beautiful creation of Tom Wagner, of Everett, Washington, who released this variety by New World Seeds & Tubers in 2013. Very good looking, middle sized fruits, round or slightly flattened like small beefsteak tomatoes. Yellow with blue antho-stripes with yellow and creamy interior. Very tasty, good balanced sweet and sour, firm and dense, juicy flesh. Regular leaf plants, indeterminate. 70-75 days.
Violet Jasper - väikesed, rohelisetriibulised: Vigorous and disease resistant plants with regular leaf foliage, give high yield of +/-50-60g cherry tomatoes. Fruits perfectly round, beautiful dark purple with green stripes. Very good taste, sweet and little bit smoky. Midseason, 75-80 days.
Arvutasin kokku, et tänu kolmele kingiks saadetud tomatile on mul siin juba 16 sorti... Paar tükki küll ka n.ö lühema kasvuga tegelased, ent tavaliselt edenevad nad siiski kasvuhoones paremini. Nii et olen sel kevadel järjekordselt oma igakordse peavalu ees - kuidas teha nii, et kasvuhoone oleks kummist ;)...